How I got "The Shot"

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone. This blog will be for my photographer friends and those that are just curious to know what goes into the shot.


Whether you photography the most well behaved children or the most hyperactive children on the planet, these simple steps will help you get the shot parents love.

GET A TRIPOD! Set your camera up on the tripod and make your subject laugh, be goofy, tell them daddy farted. Do what ever gets the child to engage and shoot it. Rinse and repeat.


Layer your best images in Photoshop. I also have an image of my backdrop with nothing on it to extend the background. The rest is Photoshop magic. I will be daunting if you don’t know Photoshop. Watch some videos on LAYERS and MASKS. Pick a base image and work your layers on top. Everything will be in its rightful spot because you shot these images on a tripod. Cut layer 2 and 3 out with a mask and refine as needed. Add, match color, and cut out the backdrop.


Finalize your image and deliver something phenomenal to your clients.


Huge Changes for 2019


Final days of Christmas sessions