GR Design & Photography

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Dos and Donts for your next portrait session

Dos and Don’ts for Your Portrait Sessions

First off, your photographer should be telling you this because you are hiring an experienced professional… right? Well if they don’t, here are a few things you need to know for your next portrait session:

  • Don’t get hammered the night before! We all like to party and theres nothing wrong with that. Just remember what you look like the morning after. Not all photographers can photoshop bags under your eyes.

  • Stay away from huge logos and overly busy patterns. Styles change and you don’t want a FUBU shirt in your mounted family portrait.

  • Don’t overdue the makeup. Less is more. Your best bet is to hire a makeup artist. They know how to style you for flash photography.

  • Iron and coordinate your with others that are in the shoot. I love matching fathers and sons wearing linen and a white button down on the beach or matching mothers and daughts wearing matching sweaters in the fall.

  • Last and most importaintly, PRINT IT OUT. Get it hung on your wall to look at and love every day. There’s no point in leaving it on you usb and losing that or keeping it on your computer and it crashing.