GR Design & Photography

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3 Reasons for Not Relying On Photoshop's AI

Adobe took all the data they needed and if you thought Photoshop Beta would last… it won’t. It’s days are coming to an end and they figured out how to monetize their AI. Here are 3 reasons to not rely on Adobe’s AI.

Save a few bucks

Like I just stated, Adobe is monetizing the use of their AI. As of now Adobe wants to charge $4.99 for 100 credits. What will 100 credits gets you, I don’t know. If it is anything like Adobe Stock, it wont be much.

You still need to be connected

AI doesn’t work without an internet connection. If you want to work during a 5 hour flight or have a power outage and a deadline, AI won’t be there to save you.

sometimes you’re just faster and better

AI still isn’t “there” yet. I’ve typed in some simple commands in PS Beta and have gotten back some wild results: a man planking when I typed in sunset, a veiny bug looking object when I typed in remove stray hairs. You know what you want to achieve for your image and sometimes doing it manually is faster.

Now I don’t want you to think I am anti AI. I’m not. AI is very convenient. Just don’t become too dependent on it.