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CRMs and Why You Need One

CRMs and Why You Need One

CRM stands for Client Relation Manager. It is software that helps with day to day business. If you are a photographer then you are going to need a CRM that handles galleries, contracts, album design, and business expenses.

There are many photography based CRMs like Honeybook, 17 Hats, or Tave. I HIGHLY recommend Sprout Studio. While some CRMs has two or three of the business tools I listed, Sprout Studio has all of them. Sprout has easy to use and beautiful galleries, you are able to put as many contracts you need, clients can make corrections to your album design for their liking. You can send email and see if your client saw them or make email campaigns for all your contacts. My favorite feature is the business health feature that shows how much I made and spent on my business. You can add mileage, questionnaires, and all your pricing.

I believe a CRM allows you the freedom and justification to charge more. The client experience mixed with your professionalism will set you apart from other photographers. Try Sprout Studio for free. It is such a great product and they are so confident you will like it that they don’t even ask for a credit card for you to try their free trail.

Watch the video below to quickly see all the tools in sprout.

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