GR Design & Photography

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My Friend Has a Camera

Please let me save you from yourself!

There have quite a few times through the years that I had to hear those dreaded words no photographer likes to hear, “I have a friend with a camera.” I simultaneously want to laugh and scream. I understand saving a few dollars, I really do. Talk to a photographer. There are some that will work with you.

There are times where people don’t see the value in spending the money and go with the friend with the camera. 9 times out of 10, this is what I end up seeing: Awkward posing, extra chins, bad effects added, red eyes, and all around creepy photos that hurt your business.

Would you trust your 401K or investment portfolio with the people on the left or right (top or bottom if you’re on your phone)? Today’s website experience is over saturated and 1st impressions are everything. The average person doesn’t stay on a website for more than 5 seconds. The photos on your page represent your product or service.

Can you trust something that important to a friend with a camera?

Don’t go with the friend with the camera

  • They don’t know how to pose, light, or flatter you. Photographers know how to relax you for a genuine smile. We know feminine, masculine, and power poses. Did you know that the way you feel will come through in your photos?

  • I doubt your friend is proficient in Photoshop. Most photographers know how to edit. The wrinkles, pimples, and stains will be gone from you image.

  • A photographer is putting their client first. You are paying for great service and amazing images while your friend is doing you a favor. If your friend is doing you a favor, they will get to the pictures when they get to the pictures.