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Post Session Etiquette

Post Session Etiquette

I went over what to do when you are hunting for a photographer and what to do during your session. Now your session is done and you want you pictures. Here are some dos and don’ts while you wait for them.

Be Patient

Please don’t text your photographer an hour after the session asking if your pictures are done yet. Photographers will tell you ahead of time what their turn around time is. I say two weeks and deliver in a few days. My process is you get a gallery and pick your favorites. I edit them in Photoshop and deliver them to you. Workflow varies photographer to photographers. Ask if they don’t tell you ahead of time.

You’re Not Getting the Raws

Click here to see a film negative. You wouldn’t ask a photographer for their film negative. The RAW file is the equivalent. It is also what comes straight out of the camera. It has all the blemishes and eyesores in the picture that was taken. The photographer edits all that out. This is the simple answer. The intricate answer has to do with copyright, owning the image, and a bunch of legal jargon.

Filters are a Slap In the Face

I thought this went without saying but I have heard horror stories so now I’m saying it. Don’t put filters on your final images. You paid a lot of money for that photographer’s creativity and editing style. No filter looks good and it makes the photographer’s work look bad. It has gotten so bad, we put it in our contracts. No filter and logo must be visible. It’s like going to Ruth Chris Steakhouse and throwing ranch on a porterhouse steak.

The benefits of doing the things I said in Photographer Hunting Etiquette, Photography Session Etiquette, and this blog will foster a great relationship with your photographer. Don’t be surprised if you start receiving emails with deals and appreciation gifts in the mail. Don’t do these things and you might not have your emails or phone calls answered.