GR Design & Photography

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Keep It Simple Stupid

Sorry, I’m not calling you stupid. It was a phrase my art professors used in college. K.I.S.S. This couldn’t be more important when organizing your website, social media, and exclusive content. There are so many things a business can offer and talk about that potential clients can get lost in the sauce.

The K.I.S.S. version of this blog

Stick to posting about one niche. Make sure your site is super user friendly and there is always a way clients can contact you.

the long-winded,hyper EXPLAINED version

Consistent Voice

Lets use Nike for this point. They have a consistent voice. Everything is about sports. When you make a website, know your voice and be consistent. Nike doesn’t dip into politics or comedy. They stick to sports. Say the same thing on your website that you say on your social media. Say the same thing on Twitter that you say on Threads. Have the same voice you have on TikTok that you have on Instagram. You never know where your next client will come from.

Ease of use

Your website is where potential clients will be directed when they run a Google Search. This is where implementing K.I.S.S. will help the most. Keep your website as simple as possible. Treat your website visitors like a teenager with ADHD. Keep they’re attention by getting to the point immediately. Who are you? What do you do? This is how you can be contacted. Try to go with a minimalist layout. Less is more.

Put it all together

Having a clear voice means the client knows exactly what you’re offering. An easy to use website will keep the client engaged. The minute you lose the client’s attention by posting about something that has nothing to do with what you’re selling or there is too much text, bells, and whistles; the client moves on to the next site or post.

See the difference?